Friday, April 19, 2013

Two weeks ago I went on my first girls weekend to Copenhagen with a few of my girlfriends from here in Helsinki.  We rode bicycles around the city, ate, drank, shopped, ate some more and laughed until we cried.  I have to admit at least a couple of times some of those tears of happiness were mixed with a few sad tears.  In just over two weeks my family and I are flying out of here to make our home in Virginia.  I'm going to miss these friends!

p.s.  a couple of friends have posted this on Facebook, and I think it describes the expat life and friendship perfectly.

Spotted this morning in our front flower bed: Crocuses!  Yesterday we were sad to see Henry's snow fort finally collapse, but I think this makes up for it at least a little.

Thursday, April 4, 2013

Suddenly it feels like Spring!  The snow is s-l-o-w-l-y melting, but the sun is shining everyday.  It's amazing how warm 40 degrees (fahrenheit) can feel with the sun shining brightly.  It's the perfect weather to sit with my friend Helen and enjoy a beautiful sea view.